Yeah Mario,

I think it is pretty simple.

When I was a kid I was obsessed with the guitar--like addicted to it. My parents could not wrestle it out of my hands from the age of 12 on, when I bought my first real acoustic with tobacco cropping money.

I studied scales for hours every day not because I had to but because I was mesmerized, finding all those patterns on the fretboard that turned out to be math equations. Next to girls, what was there in life, if not a fretboard???

So years later, when someone talks about all the things you have to do and have to know I always want to laugh. Sure, it has to come from the heart. But if you want to tell a girl you love her, she has to know you mean it. She will not be fooled. Same thing with music.

So, you either love your instrument or you don't.

And if you do, you know there actually is a rule.

If it sounds good, put your finger there.

If it doesn't don't.

You will know.

It will be just as natural as going in for the kiss.
