Topic..Making a 'smidgeon' from ones songs.
(maybe new songwriters might find this thread interesting.)

on this topic does anyone here have any advice for making a 'smidgeon' of money from streaming/ ones songs on the net ? let me explain my situation and objectives….

i'm not asking for much, just enough to get some recording toys i would like.
each year…eg this year…these two.

and maybe…

or a kemper for example.

even 1k to 2k a year would be nice…to sate my 'gear lust' lol...but it seems a lot of musos are lucky
to make 100 buckys a year sadly.
ive got most other gear needed.

At the same time my wife and i value our private life. let me explain…
by happenstance//flukes//my travels thru' the music industry ive met a couple of well
known artists who shared with me the plusses and minuses of the music biz.
these people were very kind to me, and shared their thoughts.
particularly re the aspect /impacts on their 'private life'.

thus ive always wanted to just enjoy my addiction to song creation and never had the desire for more.
but a smidgeon of song income each year would be nice cos i'm one of the overtaxed middle

Any advice on how to make a 'pittance' would be v nice.

i would also be curious if other pg users are making some decent bucks without impacting their private life. eg if your making a few k each year from your songs…does it severely impact your private life with the effort needed ?
cos my 'thing' is doing songs and i have no intertest in doing much else in the music biz.

thanks in advance for offering any advice.

happiness to all.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 09/04/22 03:49 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)