this shows the functions available in BIAB, RB and PT and side by side it does seem to me to show why BIAB and RB form a perfect partnership.

things you can't do in one you can do in the other. and i think the table shows that for audio recording RB offers much more flexibility - but that's just me.

maybe some people who are having a hard time in BIAB have never looked at RB and this might help - after all for BIAB on windows RB is free.

when i bought BIAB on floppies PT came free and the fact that RB now comes as a bundle suggests that PG have always acknowledged that BIAB users will need to 'move on' at some point - and that's still true after all the recent bolt-ons that have been added to BIAB over the past couple of years.

Last edited by Bob Calver; 09/13/22 11:31 AM.