Hello, forum friends

I would like to post a song by Vocaloid, Hatsune Miku after about one year.
Hatsune Miku is Japan's first vocal synthesizer.
Various vocal synthesizers are currently being developed, but Miku is still my favorite vocal synthesizer because of its cute voice.
In my latest song, Miku gently sings lover’s heart that sways with the changing seasons.
Any comments encouraged.
Always welcome.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi

Title: 四季 (Translation: Four Seasons)
Vocal: 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku, Vocaloid)


RealTracks in style: 2820:Harp, Rhythm ClassicalSlow8ths Ev 085
RealTracks in style: 2335:String Quartet, Rhythm PopHall Ev 085
& Style is _CSTRBAL.STY
RealTracks in style: ~518:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085
RealTracks in style: ~542:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 085
RealTracks in style: ~362:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085
RealTracks in style: 2334:String Quartet, Rhythm PopChamber Ev 085
RealDrums in Style: NashvilleEven8^1-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride

Summary of lyrics:

Spring is coming
A chance encounter with you
Summer is coming
I'm thinking of you
Autumn is coming
I feel a little chilly
Winter is coming
My wish reaches you

Spring is coming
With dancing petals
Summer is coming
With flowers blooming in the sky
Autumn is coming
I'm so happy
Winter is coming
I'm with you today too

Spring is coming
We tend to pass each other
Summer is coming
I notice we were just friends
Autumn is coming
I have mild irritation
Winter is coming
I'm walking on the ruts

Spring is coming
Hand to hand
Summer is coming
Hand on hand
Autumn is coming
Hands together
Winter is coming
We're apart

Spring is coming
Falling cherry blossoms
Summer is coming
My pillow is wet
Autumn is coming
I stay at the back of my past school building
Winter is coming
There isn't even a faint warmth

Spring is coming
With a small cry
Summer is coming
With voices wandering the night
Autumn is coming
With voices of white flowers
Winter is coming
With another small voice

Spring is coming
Flowers are blooming
Summer is coming
A continuous chorus of cicadas outside
Autumn is coming
All the leaves of the trees wither
Winter is coming
Now we must say goodbye

Spring is coming
Buds open again
Summer is coming
The sky stays blue
Autumn is coming
In a deep sleep
Winter is coming
I can go see you again