After all the post on how I do it, I need to add, there is more than one right way to make music, and run a gig. We found what works for us, and since we started our duo, except for the COVID interruption, we have never lacked for gigs.

OT: Some guy from local news came doing a piece on tourism, and we got in the newscast.

This was the start of our mid-week party. They eat first, then more come, the place fills up, and when we are done, most of them go home.

We did this at a competitor, but during COVID it got sold. The new owners didn't know what we can do, and only wanted a single guitar/singer for background music.

So we brought the party here. The first week they had one waitress on, and the bartender and kitchen help were delivering food and bussing tables. The next week they put 4 waitresses on. That's job security.

Our home away from home is here:

And looks like this:

To our east is a sand dune and the Atlantic Ocean. We play under the big, blue canvas and basically goof off and have fun playing music and playing with the audience for a few hours.

The backing track band is reliable (there, I'm still on topic), the Trade Winds keep us comfortable, the kitchen and full bar keeps the money flowing so they can pay us, and we work for a couple of hours moving, setting up, and tearing down our gear, and have a lot of fun in the middle.

Live is the perfect way to spend the time of day.

Insights and incites by Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks