It just sets Reaper Media > Video to use wmf for wma as priority, the latest version of Reaper my set that as default any way
wmf ffmpeg vlc qt:mov,qt,m4v,mp4 dshow:!mov,!mp4,!m4v,!qt

Have a look in Options > Preferences > Media > Video and see if the priority is set with windows media format (wmf) first

wmf ffmpeg vlc qt:mov,qt,m4v,mp4 dshow:!mov,!mp4,!m4v,!qt

if not you can copy the above or just move the wmf to the start.

You can select the injector script then select Edit
go down to line 153 and comment it out by putting -- in front then ctrl+s to save and run
--reaper.BR_Win32_WritePrivateProfileString( "reaper", "video_decprio", "wmf ffmpeg vlc qt:mov,qt,m4v,mp4 dshow:!mov,!mp4,!m4v,!qt", inipath )

If it's in red it's means it's not installed (sws)