Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
My first personal computer was the first by Radio Shack. I am one of the few people you will ever know who SOLD computers to IBM, because this was years before the IBM PC came out.

That Radio Shack computer had 4K RAM (not M, and not T) and a cassette tape (not disk) for storage.

But even that computer was better than my first mainframe experience, where you handed in a deck of punched cards on a Thursday and they told you to come back Tuesday. When you did, a single missing semicolon had aborted the run, so there goes another week. Yes, I have patience, but I learned from those days to make few mistakes and make each try count.

Ah, yes the TRS-80 or trash 80 we used to call it. I later had the Tandy TL-1000x, 16 bit processor running on an 8 bit bus! with 20MB hard disk. Then I started building my own when gaming was getting more demanding.

The gamers love the lights and bells and whistles. Not sure why the lighting is so important to so many of them.

Eddie, the graphics cards prices have come down significantly now since the mining for digital currency has cooled. Now that Nvidia has released their RTX-40 series you can get some pretty powerful cards in their earlier editions for a pretty good price, even less than the price of the computer!!! LOL!!

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.