This is the way to live!
Take in the small joys
Until the great happiness comes.
And if it does not come
then at least you had
had the "little joys".




Dear Forum Members

The last song for this year was created against the background that very many people in this day and age have to lead a life that demands a lot from them but does not give much back.
The consequence is for these people a life without or only with little joy!
Especially at Christmas time we would like to give these people a little courage and hope, so that they also try to get a little piece of life.

This song was created in a great collaboration.
It was really MUCH fun to bring it to life with these great musicians:

MARTY, who did the absolutely fantastic lead vocals and (of course) also plays the brilliant bass. He also created the wonderfully inspirational video.

SHIGEKI, who composed the incredibly beautiful string accompaniment and also recorded the great choir.

WOLFGANG, who played two extraordinary flute solos with his Roland guitar synthesizer.


DeeJ, who did the awesome background vocals and sounds extremely good with Marty on this song.

When I composed the song on my guitar, I had no idea what these great musicians would do with it.

For this and for the fantastic cooperation I would like to thank ALL involved very much.

I hope you have as much fun listening to the song as we had recording it.

We wish all Forum members and PG Music staff, their families and loved ones a peaceful Christmas and a healthy New Year 2023.

Many greetings
Andi ;-)

Try to get a little piece of life
Music and lyrics by A. Melzer

intro solo

Life doesn't always treat us fairly,
and there's not always an easy way through,
but giving up will always get you nowhere.
Please try to get a little piece of life.

Not everyone gets the best of life,
but make the best of living anyway,
and keep a lookout for what brings you joy.
Please try to get a little piece of life.

No money will ever replace such things as love, satisfaction and joy,
but your life offers you all this for free.
Please try to get a little piece of life.

When you no longer know what to do
your friends and family will be there for you.
They'll make you feel so much better again, and give you so much more.

main solo

And even if your life is not easy, you can tell there's beauty in love,
and just know that Life has lots in store for you.
Please try to get a little piece of life.

No money will ever replace such things as love, satisfaction and joy,
but your life offers you all this for free.
Please try to get a little piece of life.
Just try to get a little piece of life.
Oh, try to get a little peace of life.

****** Song Summary *************
Title: Try To Get A Little Piece Of Life
File:Try To Get A Little Piece Of Life.SGU
Key=C , Tempo 75, Length (m:s)=4:28
No intro. 80 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 80. Repeat x1 chorus
Melody has 327 notes, Melody harmony is <no harmony>(0)
Soloist track has 234 notes, Soloist harmony is <no harmony>(0)
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,
Style is _SALLY.STY

RealTracks in song: 3758:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PalmMuteRockSlow Ev 100
RealTracks in song: ~~364:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 3669:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewAgeArp16 Ev16 090
RealDrums in Style: AmericanaRoots16th^01-a:Toms, b:Snare


Music and Lyrics by Andreas Melzer
Lead Vocals & Bass by Marty Straub
Background Vocals by DJ Lekich
Strings and choir accompaniment by Shigeki Adachi
Guitar Synth by Wolfgang Melzer
©2022 by PROJECT M

Last edited by PROJECT M; 12/01/22 07:09 AM.