OK, I finally got back to this.

I changed all the path definitions that used drive letters to a literal path, e.g.

and running the script now open the Biab Track Injector window, which appears fine ... time to explore.

On thing I was uncertain about in this was whether the backslash delimiters in paths would work. It seems they do, so presumably something within LUA(probably) understands that. I did wonder, though, if paths should really be written with forward slashes, which is the more usual convention.

Hmm ... or maybe it does. It's just crashed trying to open \var\BiaB_etc\bb\Data\temp.txt but that may also be because that file actually doesn't exist. I note a number of bits of code that look like they may be doing slash translations.

FWIW it used to be that Windows was perfectly happy 'under the hood' to use forward slashes for file paths. It appeared that only the command line demanded a backslashes for paths and forward slashes for command-line switches. I don't off-hand know if that's still true, but I suspect so.

I started through the "Basics 1" section of the video "Band In A Box Track Injector for Reaper", importing chords form an MGU file. At present going on to they Export chords to Biab, gives the log, but fails to transfer any data. This is, of course, pushing some fairly outrageous tasks though this chain ... running in Reaper for Linux a large script written for Reaper on Windows trying to communicate with a Windows program running in Wine on Linux. What could possibly go wrong :-D

Suspending for a while ... I have some work to do.

Edit: Oh yes, I have not so far tried to do the "Add track menu to Biab".

Last edited by Gordon Scott; 12/03/22 05:29 AM.

Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful.
Kawai MP6, Korg M50, Ui24R, Saffire Pro 40.
AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11; Win8.1: Scarletts
BIAB2022 UltraPAK, Reaper, a bunch of stuff.