Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
>5) upon rebooting and reloading BIAB then rebuilding the style list, BIAB reported 7159 styles found. So I wrote a batch file to count the number of styles in the folder: DIR *.STY > STYLES.TXT at the bottom of styles.txt it said there were 7495 STY files in the directory. So that tells me 336 STY files in my directory are not being picked up by the rebuild.

Regarding showing 7,159 instead of 7,495.
Those are likely third party styles that have been added and you haven’t done a slow rebuild.
If you have, perhaps you can find the name of a style that isn’t showing up.

Thanks for taking time to respond Dr Gannon!
There are no 3rd party styles. There was no prior installation when I installed 2023, so the only styles in that directory are put there by the 2023 installation.

When rebuilding I chose both fast and slow rebuilds multiple times.

I'm not terribly concerned about the 334 styles that don't show up in my style picker... I mostly mention this for trouble shooting purposes. Erratic results in a programmed algorithm suggest that there is an assignable cause. Programmed algorithms tend to yield the same results every time... and that ain't happening here.

It could also be an error in the windows algorithm that reports how many files it sorts into my text file, but its math works out... every time. I edited the batch file to find *.*, *.STY and *.STX, here are the results:

*.* found 10,439 files (minus 3 text files my batch file generated) = 10,436 installed files
*.STY found 7495 files
*.STX found 2941 files

7495 + 2941 = 10,436