Yes this has been asked for many times going right back to when Utilities were released in the main and beta forum.

I don't know now with volume automation if they are looking for a different way of doing F5 or what ? maybe F5 could automatically set the volume automation giving tweak control user override ? this way within the muted bars you can manually turn the level up on a few beats if needed or put a slight fade in/out. As these tracks were added because users wanted it to become their DAW.

I would of thought it would of been simple to add them in the F5 ?
Maybe they will be adding other automation tracks instead of just volume ? like pan.

I don't know why F5 takes too long to open ? wonder if the can make that like the Alt+F8 window that you can leave open and still work ?

Then you have Old Muso's Bar view that gives you an instant visual of all the F5 settings like what bars are muted on what instrument, what RealTrack changes at what bar etc.. in F5 you only see whats on one bar.
All these things give you the best of both worlds.

In F5 I have the Bass on Bar 1 muted but where does it come back in ?
In the Old Muso Bar View I can instantly see and I can see all the tracks with one look I not relying on my memory of all 24 F5 track mutes. I can make changes in F5, in the Bar View window or in the volume automation, whatever I'm most comfortable with.

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
BB23-F5-Mute-Bass-Bar1.png (17.92 KB, 122 downloads)