The whole idea of this exercise is to create tracks that will fit time signatures other than 4/4 3/4 and the bars in the daw sync with bars in the Plugin.
So if users have a daw session in a different sig and want to add other instruments to it they can. What I showed with the UserTrack is that it can be made to generate up and fit the daw time signature session. I have been here long enough to see users ask for this over n over, I can't ignore them.
Same way I could not ignore the slow generate speed users had waiting for tracks in the daw, so I showed a way of doing it, then I actually did it in Reaper what others said could not be done though you don't really hear anything at all from PG but mention time signature and they all come down on you like a ton of bricks, look how many PG staff replied but none of them said a thing about the instant gen/play of the source files. There was nothing, no discussion, no feedback, no testing, totally ignored, nothing.
Is anyone at PG allowed to independently think rather than group think ?
I said about Live Arranger, PG could do that before Yamaha did it then sure enough it was done by Ketron.

I think it's a fair enough thing to try and work out a way so users can do this rather than be limited to staying inside Biab or just using 3/4 4/4 in their daw.
Do you ever dream and think: you know it would be good to have instant gen/play and more time signatures in the Plugin ??
You need to start somewhere.