There is nothing else that can give world class session musicians right in your studio DAW.
There are a few VSTi's that can give some recorded patterns but nothing to the extent of the recordings that Biab has.

The BBPlugin has been a start to get away from the learning curve of trying to work out Biab and not being able to sync it to your DAW workstation to create the tracks you need.

The BBPlugin can become a Professional Industry Standard Goto as long as these issues are sorted out:
Generate and Play tracks instantly in the Plugin by playing the source files direct from the generated text data, no rendering down to wav at all (unless needed to export).
Fit and sync with any Time Signature in the DAW.
Sync with any decimal varying tempo map.
Go over 255 bars.
48khz / 24bit source wav/aiff files.

If there are anymore you recommend, please list them.
At the moment there's not as much use of the BBPlugin as there should be simply because you can generate and play in Biab very quick and simply drag export files.