Originally Posted By: Gause Zdenek
Astorian is a great new A.I. singer with bass voice color and position and local expert on A.I. singing does not have it in its list...

Sorry, I was just responding to Matt's comment about female singers.

If you go to the SynthesizerV main page and scroll down you'll get a list of all the current singers for SynthesizerV. There are currently only two native English male voices (Kevin and Asterian), but Dreamtonics has said they will soon release a native English male voice oriented towards rock, and Audiologie has hinted they will be releasing a native English voice that will pair with ANRI this quarter, so that might also be a male voice.

In a pinch, you can use a native English female vocalist and adjust the Gender parameter.

Using a non-native male voice in trans-lingual mode would be my last choice. While a number of the female voices actually sound quite nice in trans-lingual mode, the males all seem to retain a heavy accent. Maybe it'll get better in the future.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?