Hey Guitar Soloists,

I am getting more and more interested in guitar solos these days, and have a really simple trick I have been using that works great.

When I want to do a guitar solo to a tune, I open the song in BIAB, and turn on Amplitube "in the background" but use the record audio function in BIAB to capture multiple dry takes while I am just playing for fun, messing around, etc.

No complicated set up needed.

BUT, I can pick a cool solo by say Brent (or anyone else) and put it on notation mode and see the notes scroll by. Since I read music, this is a good way for me to get great ideas for the solo, and see what a "solid," lyrical, professional solo looks like as opposed to a "noodling" solo.

And I can record stuff when I am just having fun and not taking it too seriously.

Then after multiple fun takes, I will usually find one or two that can be spliced together, and will really fit the bill.

Then, I take the dry DI track, put it in a DAW, call up an amp SIM and away we go!!

(P.S.: I always record my dry tracks with an amp to the audio interface, so it is not technically dry but a Fender amp on tweed mode with no effects. I like the way that sounds, but everybody has their own system.)

Just thought I would pass this along. I am guessing a lot of people do something very similar.