Hi, Deej. I don't care to hear the original because this is SO good. It's odd to hear you talk about your vocal as if it's not (what I believe) one of the best vocal sounds I ever heard. The fact that you say it wasn't so good the first round, I am tempted to give the original a listen, but this is so good I'll listen to this one again.

This song is so good. Everything in the mix sits snuggly in my ears. I tried very hard to come up with some sage advice about making it better, but it cannot be improved. The piano is so strong driving the track, and the pedal steel is sucha fine subtle touch, the guitars make all the right statements, but the star is that vocal and the lyrics.

Enjoy whatever happens!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@babumusic51
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/marty-straub
and https://soundcloud.com/babumusic-5080285
Band in a Box, Reaper, Cakewalk, Ozone 11