Originally Posted By: annamarks
Melodyne Editor has the largest pitch range of any program I've used. I don't foresee a problem. You just locate the note on the grid and drag it up or down to change pitch (and left or right to change timing). Pretty easy, really, and very powerful.

This is a fact, however, when you move more than just a couple of half steps in pitch, the timbre of the note sound changes, especially with complex sounds like human voice. You quickly get something that doesn't sound even close to the tone of the original note as sung. They do have a formant tool in Melodyne that supposedly lets you dial it back in but I've never been satisfied with the results when I attempt to move a vocal note too far from the original pitch.

You can however, use that nicely to create harmony that's in the background, but when it comes to the lead vocal.... that's a different thing totally.

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