SO this whole ip discussion has made me ponder some important aspects further which i'm wondering if other people are also pondering.
I would love to know people's opinions of the following which i hope are intelligent points for discussion.

1. the creative innocents out there.

by this i mean someone on this crazy planet creates a new song..maybe someone very poor in a poor country…how is that person EXPECTED to check the millions of songs created over the years to ensure he/she isnt infringeing somehow on someone else ??
bottom line how does this person do 'due diligence' given the above ??

2. the government/registration agencies.

point one has me asking how do the above bodies check that a new ip application isnt infringeing on someone elses ip when they are granting a successful application ?
once again, given the zillions of creative works previously created ??
see what i mean ?? Do they have oodles of supercomputers chedcking ? to assess the validity of the new application viz previous applications granted ?
reason i'm asking is even if one is granted protection via an application…couldnt someone else on the planet still pop up from somewhere and say…
'thats like my xyz song' ? particularly if the new creation made a small fortune ?
bottom line again how does the agency do 'due diligence' given the zillions of creative works out there ?? and to what degree does their granting of an application protect the applicant ?

3, the chords/notes issue.

viz songwriters specifically …there are only 12 notes in western music and only so many chords/inversions/extensions etc etc. THUS its pretty obvious that at some point there will be overlaps with previous works due to the world volume of previous creative works.
some big names often have said they were influenced by an earlier work…
eg a riff in an old piece of classical music. its obvious that there must be some degree of overlap tween artists song creations given that tech has allowed zillions of homes on the planet have project studios and computers right ??

Do people on these forums see what I mean re the above ?
AND is it worth it for a very poor person to spend lots of money they cant afford to protect their creative works IF STILL one can become embroiled in ip issues ?
poor people cant afford legal teams of course.

all opinions welcome.

happiness to all.


ps i just got delivery of biab/rb upak 2023...wowser.
this bloke is v happy.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)