Hey folks,

Just thinking of getting an inexpensive little 13" Mac laptop for the main purpose of being able to play with BIAB away from my usual desktop computer in the studio.

Just wondering if anyone can confirm that the .SGU and .MGU song files saved while running BIAB on Catalina on the laptop would open up again back in Sierra on my desktop (3 operating systems earlier).

I suspect that they would be identical files and that BIAB saves the files so that they are compatible regardless of the operating system... but a quick confirmation of this would be appreciated.

Also, on a 13" screen, will I still be able to use my favorite full screen traditional view of BIAB, but just a miniaturized version of it? The computer will have screen resolution options to make that possible, right?

It would definitely be nice to be able to take the laptop and my BIAB hard drive to different rooms and locations when sitting in the studio is less desirable.

Thanks in advance,


BIAB 2023 Audiophile, MacPro (Mid-2010) OSX 10.12.6
DAW: Digital Performer 8