Hey guys...I'm really excited to share this song with you...it's a fun rendition of an old song of mine...a fun chicken pickin' southern gospel tune...Marty Straub (Babu Music and Blue Attitude) joins me on bass and gives his usual impeccable performance...thank you Marty, you're the best! So...if you do...thanks for listening...and as usual all suggestions and critiques are always appreciated and considered with care...Dan

Face the Dawn

Title: Face the Dawn
File:Face the Dawn.SGU
Key=F# , Tempo 189, Length (m:s)=3:37

RealTracks in style: 3821:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryTrainBeatBrent12-key Ev16 090 (8ths@180)
RealTracks in song: 412:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Cowboy Ev 165
RealDrums in style:TrainBeatFast8ths: a: Train Snare, Kickb: Train Snare, BusyKick

Dan: Vocals, piano and baritone guitar licks
Marty: bass

Yamaha Genos: Electric guitars. drums, tamborine.

Last edited by firesong; 04/22/23 08:41 AM.

BiaB 2024, Steinberg Cubase Pro 13, Wavelab 11.2, SpetraLayers Pro 10, Audacity, Steinberg UR44 Interface, Yamaha Genos, Roland FP60 and FP10, Windows 10

You are who you are because you do what you do because of what you believe.