If you don't want the robots to take over, then don't invent the robots. You don't want a Terminator, don't invent the technology. AI is the current money grab and it will be developed to a point that something bad could happen. One thing you can count on is our "leaders" in DC will not do anything of substance to stop or curtail it unless it affects their power. I am not being exclusive here, both major parties are guilty. It is always about money and power. Even the climate. If there were no money to make, I guarantee you there would not be as much going on about it. I know as I work for a company that stands to make several hundred billion dollars from the green push and that is not an exaggeration. They are betting the farm on it. If the next election results in a regime change, and certain aspects of legislation gets repealed, we will be up the creek for some of it as a lot of the money is based on government handouts of course, which you and I are paying for.

As for the creative world, the gate keepers are always looking for ways to get more without paying more. Having an AI create is way better than some temperamental creative! The current WGA writers strike is all about the fact that the writers are not benefiting from the 'streaming revolution'. The model has changed, and they are still being paid like the broadcast rules specify. In their world it is kind of feast or famine. They have to live off the good jobs in the times they are not getting to write other stuff. Very similar to the music world.

AI is only going to make this worse.

Warehouses are getting more and more automated and as soon as they can invent a robot to do what a person is doing they go to it. Robots don't want days off, don't need sick time, and work tirelessly. You need a mechanic or two for repairs etc. vice a building full of people that have to have SS and Medicare taxes paid and health care and so on.

Its not all bad. I get to still play guitar and enjoy myself regardless.

I don't watch the news I don't really trust any of them to tell me the truth anyway. Deep fakes will soon hit the campaign trail and you will never know if what you are seeing is real or fake. The movies already do that. I am pretty sure the dinosaurs in the Jurassic movies are not real!

Just an opinion, everyone has one you know.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.