Ok, so ... I'm ambivalent about this song.

On one hand, it's yet another heartbreak song. And I've had enough of writing these. There's only so much juice one can squeeze out of this particular lemon, before it becomes boring, I think smile Also, from any genre of song (not just this one), one must also know when to walk away. There's no point in whining, in the same key, tone and way (alike a tomcat on the roof, at night), until one bores the heck out of one's listeners, right? smile Variation is the spice of life, perhaps.

That said, I sat down the other night, and tried to write another song. "Anything but a heartbreak song, PLEASE", I said to myself. Long story short, THIS is what I eventually came up with. Argh.

Why do I post it? Because I think that, on its own, it possibly stands up well enough, as a song, that's all. I'd be so curious, also and therefore, to see what you think of it. On one hand, I'm not really in love with its lyrics, etc. - on the other, there's something raw and perhaps sincere about it that I think may be worth posting. But, no spoilers, haha ... see what YOU think, if you wish? Thanks smile

Nothing Without You


I walked down every path, all of my life,
I looked for you, in peace and strife,
Alas, you're far away, where I can't go,
Not knowing how I feel, which hurts me so ...

I traveled every road, and every time
I thought I'd find you again, and call you mine ...
And now I'm near the end, and you're not here
Allow me to share with you what I find clear ...

Life is nothing without you,
Love is useless and untrue,
If you're not here for me to kiss your hand,
Then everything I've built, I've built on sand ...

I'm getting older, each, and every day,
My body, slowly, slowly, is giving way ...
Our stunning beauty's now washed o'er by rain ...
Whenever I think of you, I'm filled with pain ...

I need a miracle for your return
God knows that that's all I'll ever yearn
For, alas, you're far away, and you can't hear
My thoughts and hopes, all I hold dear ...

It's been my error, perhaps, to love you so much,
But it's too late to make it right, as such;
And, now I'm near the end, you're still not here ...
Allow me, please, to share what now seems clear:

Life is nothing without you,
Love is useless and untrue,
If you're not here for me to kiss your hand,
Then everything I've built, I've built on sand ...

So allow me, please, to dream of you once more,
For you've been th'only one I've e'er adored ...


****** Song Summary *************
Title: Love Is Nothing Without You - 10 May 2023
File:Love Is Nothing Without You - 10 May 2023.SGU
Key=D , Tempo 80, Length (m:s)=3:36
No intro. 68 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 68. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _BOND.STY (Bond Fusion Ballad)

RealTracks in style: 1398:Bass, Electric, Soul70sA-B Ev16 100
RealTracks in style: ~1639:Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkBreezy Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: 1840:Synth Pad, PopModernGrooveMellow Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: 3949:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FusionBalladBrent Ev16 080
RealDrums in style:LoungePop16thsSput^1-a:Closed Hat, Snare , b:Ride, Snare


Voice recorded and mixed with BIAB backing track in Mixcraft Pro Studio 9. Added "On The Phone" preset effect to the voice track.