How all us "Hippie" kids got to Europe back in the

Vickers Viscount, slow, very noise, but cheap enough. $179 round trip from New York to Luxembourg

A quoit

"During those years, Loftleiðir was often referred to, even by the company's staff, as "the Hippie Airline" or even "the Hippie Express".[27] Loftleiðir was not famous for speed or punctuality, but flying with the company became a sort of rite of passage for young "hippies" from America travelling to Europe, one of whom was future president of the United States Bill Clinton"

Well, did Bill play Sax in Europe?


Last edited by Planobilly; 05/16/23 07:13 PM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo