Mario asked for this thread, and I would also like to hear from others about how you use Toontracks stuff with BIAB.

While auditing the new EZKeys software, I came across this boogie track.

The first four measures are EZKeys 2 only. The following 12 bars are EZKeys2 with an upright bass line, and the last 12 bars have the keyboard bass removed.

The upright bass sound is from Trillian, but EZBass also has an upright bass plugin.

Any of the midi tracks in BIAB can be played with this software.
The drum track is Superior Drummer, which is a Toontracks product.

Same track with a new instrument called Retro Pianet that came with EZKeys2

Just so you have something to compare this to, here is a live recording of the piano player who played with my band in LA.


Last edited by Planobilly; 05/17/23 01:10 PM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo