Originally Posted By: musician17
That female voice, as you say, needs humanizing, lol. I will see what I can do - though, knowing nothing about post-production, I am mostly "doing it by ear". I will try, though

This isn't something that can be fixed in post production. No matter how much EQ or reverb you might apply to the vocal, it's still going to sound robotic.

If the vocal were sung at a lower pitch, it wouldn't be as bad, but it would still be very robotic. Emvoice simply can't do realistic vocals. They sound like they're coming through a vocoder because... well, they are using a vocoder. It's just not one capable of creating realistic female vocals, and the higher the vocals go in pitch, the less good they sound.

Originally Posted By: musician17
3) Where would you think I can get some better-sounding vocaloids? I've got absolutely no money to spend on something like this, right now, but - if that changes in the near future, why not? I only bought Emvoice, last December, because they were on sale - and I thought that two English-singing vocaloid voices is better than nothing at all. So yes, just out of curiosity, if possible: what would you recommend instead?

At the risk of breaking the "no advertising other products" rule, the best synthetic singing software on the market is SynthesizerV by Dreamtonics. That's obviously subject to change as time goes on.

Since money is an issue, I'd suggest using the free Basic editor and the lite version of Eleanor Forte and Solaria (scroll down the page to find it). These free voices have restrictions and are for non-commercial use only, but should be fine for your purposes of making demos. There are currently no Lite male English voices, but you can use the Gender option on a female voice to morph it to a male voice.

The Lite voices aren't going to fool anyone into thinking they're listening to a real human, but they'll still be far better than Lucy.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?