Originally Posted By: Planobilly
"Did you know that 10.08 million new tracks were uploaded to online music streaming services in the first three months of 2023? That’s 120,000 new tracks every day, according to estimates from Nashville-based Luminate, a company that tracks music industry data."<...>

That's the new problem with getting your original music heard.

It used to be you sent demos to the gatekeepers (record labels) and 99% got rejected there.

Now, nobody gets rejected, but there are zillions of others out there. How do you get yours noticed? Discovered? Found?

In the past, if you didn't get rejected by the label, the record company did the promotion (and took the price out of your royalties). So in today's world, you must do your own promotion, or hire someone to do it for you.

Doing your own promotion is definitely time-consuming, and takes away from the available hours you could spend creating and polishing new music. If you don't have a lot of money, hiring a promotion company is out of the question.

If you started early enough, before so many others were on the 'net, you could have built up a following. Great if you did!

Today, you can still build up that following, of course it's a slow way to go, but the problem is getting noticed by the people who might like your music in the first place.

I'm glad I chose to be a performer, rather than a creator. I'm still gigging 15-20 times a month, and have been for most of my adult life.

I'd like to be a creator too, but to tell the truth, I stink as a songwriter. All the lyrics I write seem too trite and hackneyed. I'm good and arranging, creating BiaB styles, making backing tracks, singing, and playing saxophone, wind synth, bass, drums, guitar, flute, and keyboard synths. It's a good way to make a living.

Good luck to those trying to break into it, and congratulations to Janice and Bud for making your mark.

Insights and incites by Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks