"On the professional concert/radio/TV & Film music level"

Gatekeepers! You either are one, you know one, or you most likely will not get through the gate. I am speaking here mainly about large studios like Universal.

People who buy products and services are in business to make a profit. They buy first from their long-time suppliers, who consistently produce the results they are looking for at a price they are willing to live with.

Even if you produce a better product at a lower price, getting the gatekeeper to notice you is hard, if not nearly impossible.

There are other cultural issues that define what "supplier" is suitable. That is not a subject I am willing to comment on in a public forum. That is PM material.

On a more local level, when trying to move up, there are very unpleasant questions a band has to answer. Is your vocalist an A-list quality singer? Can your guitar player play almost anything note for note? Are your original songs actually great? Can you travel around on a tour bus without killing each other? If not, you must consider that you don't have what it takes to compete with the best, most famous bands out there because they "are" your competition.

There is music, and there is the music business. Music is fun, and the business is brutal.


Last edited by Planobilly; 06/03/23 07:44 AM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo