Title: A Fool (How to Cause a Complete Disaster, Part 1)

Link: A Fool (How to Cause a Complete Disaster, Part 1)

After (finally) watching Floyd's "The Birth of a Song" video where he mentions that every song should be a love song I decided to, well, write a love song.
A simple, cheesy love song. With a simple, cheesy video.
Blame Floyd, it's all his fault!

The song is basically about the same problem as in the movie "Harry and Sally": a boy and a girl are best friends until one of them falls in love with the other and from then on everything gets complicated.

Feedback (the good, the bad and the ugly) as always highly appreciated.

Some background information that no one asked for:
  • I'm sorry to start 2 songs in a row with a piano arpeggio, but that was the only way my chord progression for the intro
    (C#m A D G# G#m G) creates this enchanting mood that made me write this song.
  • the arragement started with tons of instruments (mostly guitars, as usual), and during the mixing/production phase the song became
    better with every instrument I removed.
    Now I know how John Cage wrote 4′33″ :-)
  • I was never 100% happy with the song, but not 100% unhappy either.
    But it wouldn't make sense not to release a finished song just because of the author's usual doubts.

As always, a BIG "thank you" to Marty for linguistic advice. Love ya'

Some technical information:
Style: BACH_1.STY (yes, really!)

The band:
Bass: 4363
Drums: SkaSlow70sWesPerc + PopRock8ths
Guitars: 4383, 3307, 3931
Synth: 1543
Piano: 1264 + yours truly (with a Bosendorfer 290)
Viola: 2336
Vocals: Natalie

You can find the lyrics in the next post.

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