Here is a song that I wrote a couple of months ago.

I wanted these lyrics to capture that moment in time when someone looks at himself or herself in a mirror and says to the image something like, "Come on! You can do it!" From experience, I've found that the best song format for capturing a single moment in time is AABA form. So armed with a picture and a song form, this is where my thinking has taken me.

♫ Rise And Shine
Lyrics on Soundcloud

Please feel free to be critical of any aspect of the music/lyrics, performance or production.

All the best,

The Band
Song Tempo: 90 bpm

Solo Guitar: RT 1237... Guitar, Electric, Soloist SmoothJazzPoppy Ev16 090
Guitar: RT 1017... Guitar, Electric, Strumming CleanBarre Ev 085
Guitar: RT 4200... Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterGentleSync16ths Ev16 090
Piano: RT1996... Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SmoothJazzPoppy Ev16 090
Bass: RT 700... Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 085
Drums: RockRoots ev8^1

Organ: VST3i: HaNonB70 (Lostin70s)
Guitar: VST3i: Strum GS-2
Arpeggios: VSTi: KV 331 Audio Synthmaster Player2 (#108 ARP Light Spark ARK)

The Production
DAW: Reaper

RT 4200: I used Reaper to create two instances of the same Realtrack, and I panned one instance hard left and the other hard right. I offset one of the instances by moving it 10 ms later in the mix, and I detuned it slightly (-2 cents). Doing this helps give the two instances of the same WAV file a fuller sound when they play together.

Bass: VST3 Renaissance Bass (set to Parker Bass Thump)
Piano; Lin MB (Linear Phase Multiband Compressor Plugin)
Guitar 1237: ReaDelay, Lin MB.
Guitar 1017: ReaDelay
Vocals: Nectar 3
Reverb: M30 Studio Reverb by TC Electronic, ReaVerberate
Final Output: Ozone 10

Audiophile BIAB 2024