This is a response to another thread with user wanting Biab on Linux
Re: BIAB run on Linux
Re: A Sustainable Future of Biab ?
Re: Anyone Use Reaper ?

PG should have an interest in getting Biab to run on Linux under Wine.
I have asked many times to have an internal code to play the wma files.
It's the same problem when using the BiabVST under yabridge
Windows Media Player issues as in the dialogs it calls on the WMP.dll then can't find it and gives an error.
PG, please install Linux and try it out under Wine, I bet you can get it sorted !!! this will also solve the issue (on Win) that comes up all the time over the years with users not being able to play the demo wma's because Windows can't access the audio device. Having an internal wma player will solve this issue on Win and Lin. You don't have another 6 months to work on a Lin version as 6 is spent on Win then another 6 on Mac. Unless you go over to JUCE you need to get it working under Wine.