Hi, new member of the forum, please, please to moderators, pardon if I have posted this question in the wrong forum. I asked inthe chat but somehow that did not work.
this is what I would like to know
I am looking for the name of an instrumental, a long one played in one of the Rocky's films, it was in Rocky 1 for certain. I first heard that piece on an FM station show that existed @ the 70's called Jazz impressions . I know it might be a difficult question with only this background info but maybe anyone knows.
Thanks in advance. I got me a short soundbyte of the instrumental but I don't know if that can even be attached here.
there were a couple of members that wanted to help and sent some instrumentals played .

PS in case anybody knows of an online software that identifies a muscial piece once you upload and play an soundbyte of the piece, I will appreciate you letting me know or sending me the link,
Happy New 2024 to everyone.