Hi Noel,

I thought I had commented yesterday, but apparently I exited the dialog before the message was recorded, so I am replying again. Lots of things to say...

1) I think your excursion into "spoken lyrics" is a particularly good fit for the blues style. it sounded very natural in this particular application.

2) the message of the song is not just a little upbeat... it is downright encouraging, not what one normally expects from the blues. Nobody's wife left, no dogs died, no trains wrecked etc. So in that sense it isn't blues as *I* know it... maybe you just invented a new genre.. "upbeat blues" (or maybe "pinks", a blues song seen through rose colored glasses) ;-)

I'm not a musical purist by any means... I like it when songs step outside our expectations and accomplish what the songwriter was trying to make happen. These lyrics are unlike any I've heard, very original IMHO. It has become stylish to write depressing songs, and I am tired of it... so I appreciate the upbeat message

3) You did a great job of keeping the instrumentation sparse, adding accents occasionally with other instruments. Each time I listened to the song, it reminded me of the DOORS "Riders on the Storm" for some reason... possibly because both songs are bluesy variants populated with mostly bass and drums with the occasional embellishment from other instruments

4) Mix sounded good to my ears... nothing overpowered anything else, and the vocals were right on top . All of it was very clear, not muddy.

Keep up the good work Noel. I admire your technical approach to songwriting. It seems to be working!