Nice job! Very good song. This certainly features vocal, which is good. But I think the vocal is a bit too up front. The drums seem way in the back of the mix. Maybe that's the way you wanted to mix them? I think the drums need to 'come to the party' too. You'd be suprised at how much more dynamic and present this mix can be if the drums got some more TLC. I mean no disrespect when I say I hear a lot of this type of mixing. It's not bad or wrong per say. But it's a bit steeped in verb- and even that isn't a bad thing. But without careful attention, everything can get soupy in a hurry. And then what happens is you lose contrast within a mix. Like the importance of color contrast, so too is sound contrast. What I would do with this one is dry out everything and start again. The trem guitar is where I would focus and feature the verb a bit. It lends a nice atmosphere in this context. Aside from the vocal, that trem guitar is a feature. Then bring the drums up as they need to speak more. Then sit the vocals down a bit more. Then a wee bit of verb to taste on various other tracks. So, you have the wet trem guitar and some dryer, more present instruments. Contrast. It avoids a wash out and brings things up and off the speakers. It's been said a million times but it bears repeating- apply a verb until you think it's great, and then back it off some and usually you'll have it just about right.

Hope you don't mind. I'm trying to be constructive. And I only get this involved when I hear truly great potential in a song, and potential within the mix. This has it. A little more tweaking and you have not merely a demo, but a record.

Great work Bob!
