Hi Frankie,
What version are you using of RealBand as there was a problem (exactly as you report) that was fixed with an update.
Until you get that update you can do the following.
When you drag to a track, Realband will place it on the first track overwriting any data that is already on that track.
What you need to do is after you have dragged and dropped onto the first track you then ADD a new track so that new track becomes number 1.
You can then continue to drag and drop and it will retain your data in the 2 tracks.
Just add as many new track number 1's each time you drag and drop.

As I said PG Music updated Realband to correct this, but I can't remember which update number it was.
Just get the latest update and you will be OK.

Best regards

Windows 11 64 bit, Biab 2023 1006, Realband 2023 (1)
i7 Desktop Computer 16Gb Memory