
Hi Bob,
I really like the sound you get with this song.
Very crisp (I don't know how to describe it in musical terms but it isn't insipid or weak)
I for one would like to learn how you do that (although I know a home recording will have it's limitations as opposed to a studio)
I agree with everyone that this is a very good country song.

Keep em' comin'

Best regards

Michee...this song WAS done on a home recording system. The BIAB tracks, which is everything except the vocal, was created on a Dell laptop running Reaper ($40). The key, to me anyway, is a good mic and the tenacity to keep recording until you get as close to the perfect take as possible before beginning to mix and master. The mic I used for vocals was a Rode NTK, about $500 at Musicians Friend. I did TEN vocal takes of the song and took the best performance of each line of the lyric and cut and pasted them to get as close as possible to a perfect take. The vocal was recorded with Sonar Producer using a Mackie Onyx firewire mixer as an audio interface (about $900). Perhaps because I know what "commercial studio" recordings sound like as compared to "home studio" recordings it's easier to create a similar outcome. I really believe it's totally possible to create pro quality music on a home system given the gear that's available these days. I wouldn't hesitate to use BIAB and a home system to create a full CD project for sale to the public. Things have gotten that good for we singer/songwriter types. If you have any specific questions about our recording process let me know. There are no big secrets here.

Thanks for listening,