Hi Bob,

Michee...this song WAS done on a home recording system.

Well I'm even more impressed now


I did TEN vocal takes of the song and took the best performance of each line of the lyric and cut and pasted them to get as close as possible to a perfect take.

That's very similar to what I do (most of the time)
When recording the vocals, what do you do (do record dry? with compression? with delay? etc etc .)


The BIAB tracks, which is everything except the vocal, was created on a Dell laptop running Reaper ($40).

I have just purchased Reaper myself and will probably take months to get my head around the learning curve (only ever used RealBand) so some tips on what plugins you used for each track would be very welcome (as long as it is not a commercial secret )


Perhaps because I know what "commercial studio" recordings sound like as compared to "home studio" recordings it's easier to create a similar outcome.

Please give me more information on this, what is the difference? is it more volume, crisper, fuller etc and how do you get a similar sound at home.

Once again very impressed by your sound.

Best regards

Windows 11 64 bit, Biab 2023 1006, Realband 2023 (1)
i7 Desktop Computer 16Gb Memory