
When Brent sang the lines, "Everytime I hear you calling, I turn to him and laugh", I thought "him" referred to Job; then I thought it was Satan.

That lyric caught my ear as well. I'm used to hearing the phrase in the context of turning to God, so it took a moment of reflection to parse the meaning. I figured it was an interesting (but perhaps unintended) turn of a phrase. But since I'd essentially be complaining that your lyric made me - heaven forbid - think, I thought I was just being my typically pedantic self.

But in retrospect, I agree with Noel - the line could be more clear.

Last edited by dcuny; 12/01/10 02:43 PM.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?