Hi Bob,
hope I didn't give the impression I was able to use Real Tracks, though at one stage I did fiddle round with the Real Drum tracks & importing them into PA800 sampler.
Unfortunately the 64mb ram wasn't big enough to do much.

Basically I just created some styles & pads for my PA800. I'm not familiar with the style creator functions on the PA1X, ie whether it can do what the PA800 does.
The PA800 can IMPORT a midifile ( no chord progression allowed, except for Intro's/Endings )into the
style creator, and I end up with a style part ie variation, fill, intro or ending. Then I just have to adjust the Korg NTT settings ( ie Chord type /parallel,fixed or no transposition etc)

The PA800 can import the midifile into the style creator in one go ie drums , percussion, bass & another 5 instruments provided they're set correctly to midi channels 9 to 16 .( same channels as psr except for bass & percussion, which are reversed in korg).

Reason I decided to use Real Band instead of BIAB is because I had more control of what is generated & regenerated. In Real Band I just type in my chord ( usually C maj or Cmaj7, depends on the complexity of the style, & if I need to create more than 1 type of chord variation ( cv) Korg allows you up to 6 cv's in it's variations, I can create one for nearly any type of chord I choose. I usually try to get away with one.
After that I choose the amount of bars, the BIAB style, from the Drop Down menu on the midi track, I select Generate Midi TRack, pick drums, bass , whatever, it generates the bars required. I then do that for each of the instruments. I then have my midifile, save it as Midifile 0 & import it into my PA800.

The reason I found Real Band better is, I was able to regenerate the tracks seperately if needed, to try and add a bit more variety for each of the 4 korg variations.

Pads on my PA800 is even easier. Again it has the IMPORT midifile function.
Simply a case of generating a single track ( has to be on midi channel 10 even if it's not a drum track). Save & import into the Korg Pad Creator. Once in, I just had to adjust the settings.

best wishes

BIAB 2020
Yamaha sx900