A Plasma Destroyer is a real device. It is a machine that can destroy any substance by converting it down to the Molecular or even Elemental level using nothing more than rather large amounts of power.

The chamber itself is not all that large on most of 'em, but the associated support electronics, plumbing and cooling and such typically takes up two large buildings or so.


And if you are brave enough to look through the darkened quartz watch window from behind your welding mask, you can see the bright blue light from the Plasma doin' its thing.

Can totally destroy any substance, Hazmat, Biochem, certain types of Alpha emitting Nuclear, you name it, renders it down to its base elements. As long as the amount doesn't overfill the Plasma Chamber anyway. You may have to invest in a few other things in order to break your sample up into smaller pieces safely and not endanger yourself or your neighbors, but hey.

Last year the US Navy sold one off surplus at auction, just think, you can be the first on your block to own one. Just be sure that you can supply the necessary 3-phase power at the 440VAC level before purchase, the wall wart for this toy is the other building...
