Hi Prado,

Because of its partnership with BIAB, Realband is very different from any other DAW on the market.

To my way of thinking, RB is a track generation factory. Using RB, it's possible to generate parts of tracks or whole tracks. This allows me to create unique backing and solo tracks that fit perfectly with my arrangements. I also use RB to add harmony to my recorded vocals.

When assembling a song, my work flow is as follows:
  • Select a suitable style in BIAB and compose the song.
  • Open the song in RB.
  • Play around with different Realtracks (adding solos and accomps.) and develop a set of tracks that do the song "justice" within the scope of how I hear the song.
  • When tracks are chosen (and it's possible to have a huge number of tracks in RB), I work through each track and cut/paste, regenerate sections, etc., until I have a track that ideally suits my purposes.
  • When all tracks are done, I export them as wav files and move to Reaper for mixing and mastering.

Quite honestly, I could not do without Realband.

Hope this helps,

Audiophile BIAB 2024