The SD4 has keypad buttons on top from which you are supposed to be able to tap in the numbers for a certain Patch and change the Patch. Well, you can do that, but there is this annoying PAUSE while it switches banks that I've never been able to deal with in live use.

I have found that programming a Keyboard Controller to send the Patch number and Bank that I desire with a single button push is a great solve for that problem, though.

All in all, if use with BiaB is the main concern, I think I'd recommend the SD2 for that anyway. The SD4 is like having 2 SD2's in one box that you can address at the same time, a feature that BiaB can do with the Thru channel and one MIDI synth Bank anyway.

My USB has performed from day one and has performed properly. It is Class Compliant Plug 'n Pray, no drivers need be installed.

However, the key to using USB MIDI is that the device must be turned on, plugged in and recognized by the Operating System before starting a host program like BiaB. BiaB looks for installed devices when it starts up and if you wait until BiaB has already started to hook up a USB MIDI or Audio device, BiaB won't report it as being there.
