There was a period when a lot of folks at KVR were of the "Well, if you're not using this particular product (usually Pro Tools), you're not a real musician". Fortunately, given some of the amazingly good free and inexpensive software toys out there, e.g., Reaper, the free synths by HG Fortune and U-He, the Alchemy player, etc., that has shifted, at least to the extent that the gear snobs aren't as obvious anymore.

I just like sitting people down in front of my laptop, typing in a twelve-bar blues, assigning a few RTs, and clicking "Play", and then watching their eyes bug out. Anybody who wants to tell me it's not valid music can go jump.

Tom Smith
Win10/64 • i7-8700K • 24 GB RAM
BIAB 2024 • Reaper 7 • Izotope MPS
AKG C1000S • IK iRig I/O Pro