


He did go out on a limb regarding the question of how much skill is required before one passes the mysterious threshold to be called "musician"

I actually played guitar for 4 or 5 years before I would refer to myself as a musician, so I was just as hard on myself regarding the definition as I am on others. Oh well.......

The term obviously means different things to different people, especially in light of todays electronic music.

the definition is becoming less and less clear cut, but that doesn't diminish any of the excellent points you make Bob. This is a discussion forum, and it is expected that our collective awareness will be broadened by hearing thoughts we might not have considered on our own. You are perhaps the most prolific contributor to the discussions here, and I must say once again,you are REALLY good at engaging people in thoughtful discourse. I hope you never stop.

For what it's worth, many of my comments are "devil's advocate" points, not necessarily what I think, but an attempt to flesh out the various points of view.

I find that your point of view on almost every topic is in line with mine (but I often argue the opposing side... I guess because I like to see options open up rather than narrow down.)