Hi all,
As a recent french user of BIAB, this case also arises.
My old pc is very slow and I use an iMac (the Mac version of BIAB).
The fingering is only visible on a fretboard and for this reason it requires a manual transcription, so I am forced to use an external tablature.

Midi -> midi Export -> And in my case, "midi" edition in a track GuitarPro (by import "mid" in GuitarPro).

Realtracks -> Export of MIDI tracks -> GuitarPro
-> Create Track "SOLO" MIDI GuitarPro -> Solo Slow tempo BIAB
-> and manually edit it in the track solo created in GuitarPro
(and, of course) by guessing the length of notes, by recreating the guitar effects, and optimizing the fingering, etc. ...

Since the purpose (of course) is the learning of improvisation (on guitar for my case), it must then identify changes ranges used for improvisation solos BIAB.

Another way would be to export the MIDI tracks and solos (in LogicPro) and do the manual transcription in GuitarPro (set at the same tempo).

Note: I do not think BIAB PC can generate a tab 'midi' from a
Solo (. Wav) Réaltrack?

It is undeniable that BIAB is an excellent program, but with regard to the topic above (and for the special case of the Mac version), procedures as I have
described are very long.

However, experienced users may have simpler solutions taking
account that it concerns a self-taught musician ?