It's been a busy day and I've only just checked back.

Thanks Lawrie, the ethernet option is a good thought. It would certainly save a lot of hassle. I'm not sure of what's on Mum's computer but I'll see her in a few days and will check it out. My husband said our modem is connected to the Lan port but this isn't the same as an ethernet port is it? I'm not totally sure about all of the different internet connections, I'm more into music than cables.

Mglinert, my Mum is an old age pensioner so a new computer is not an option just yet but thanks for the heads up on the support ceasing. Could be a problem for the many XP users out there. It is something to consider.

I don't want to tie up the forum with this thread but some thoughts on a friend of mine who has turned off the windows update features altogether and uses her Norton Internet security software to keep her computer safe. She says she has had no problems with viruses, hacker etc. It might eliminate the need for the service packs. Good idea or not?

You have all been very helpful. Thank you.


[i]Music...a joy for life.