Called the OP on the phone last night, we talked about his eact situation.

Since his Behriner Truth speakers are powered monitors that do not have separate outputs in them, that changed the idea of using the Bazookas at all.

Rooted around and found that Pyramid is selling an Electronic Crossover that is affordable (Found that NADY does also, but decided on the Pyramid) the plan at the end of that call was to investigate the original idea of doing the crossover with his rather small Bass Guitar amp to begin with, maybe with an eye towards finding a powered subwoofer or unpowered with amp at a later date.

Found out that the Bass Amp he wants to use is one of those modern designs that has two RCA inputs on the back for amplifying Tape or other means of Backing Tracks, thus bypassing the coloration of the Instrument Preamp. With careful settings, this should work out okay and he can then hear fundamentals that happen below the 50Hz cutoff of the Truth monitors.
