Look, Richard's already been presented with audio where he says he cannot hear these notes in question -- and he needs to hear them.

*Funds are limited and he already has this Bass Amp.

*Time for the "run what ya brung" mentality.

*With careful tweaking and use of the gray matter between the ears, there is no reason why the use of an electronic crossover and his Bass amp, which has a pair of RCA inpouts for Tape or other Line Level signal already on it, summed to mono, could not be pressed into service.

Richard is savvy enough to realize all the implications regarding monitoring issues.

And there is no reason why such a setup would disallow being able to mix or master either.

After all, a quick check of any source material with the sub turned off or completely down would solve any of those kind of problems.

Said it before, will say it again, if you KNOW YOUR MONITORS from doing much Reference Listening to your Reference Recordings, you can turn out decent recordings using them.

Finally, this is what Richard WANTS TO DO.

That's enough fer me.
