
Ok, this was probably asked somewhere before so if you have a link please post and I'll check it.
My problem? I'm having a hard time getting the MIDI right with my Motif 8. I would like a step by step on how to set the Motif 8 Classic with BIAB.

The more detail the better. I have the MIDI hooked up from my Motif 8 via the USB cable and it is recognized.

Other people tried to help me on another board but the problem is none of them own a Motif 8 so I have no idea if I have the Motif 8 set up correctly for BIAB. I can get sounds but they are all over place, sometimes drums sometimes instruments.

If you want more info I will try to give you anything I can.

Thanks, I've been working on this problem now for over a week and still not even close.
