I checked the patch maps on PG music, but unfortunately they do not list the patch map for the Motif 8 (classic). I also have a Motif Classic. But here is a you can download download (free) the instrument definition file(.ins file) that Mac mentioned spoke of for the Motif (they also have just about all the other Motif info as well, such as manuals, how-to's, etc.


Download the instrument definition for the Motif

Then once you've downloaded the .ins file, do as Mac suggested to create a patch file for BB (page 83 of the BBW 2013 manual). This page and the preceding/succeeding page give pretty much step-by-step instructions on how to create the patch (.pat) file from the instrument definition file (.ins), and how to select and use the patches.

The instrument file is for the standard/factory instrument definitions for the Motif. If you've made customizations to the Motif, then you will need to create account for that. There are free editors (from Yamaha and Motifactor) for all things Motif (Wealth of Motif knowledge, etc.)

You can also visit Yamaha's site for additional drivers, pdf files, etc.


See if the above gets you started.
