I don't know if Toucher opted for stream only. But with the right software tools it doesn't matter if it's stream-only. It finds the source of the stream and copies it: no live recording needed.

Why do you want to publish your music online? If for demo-purposes I'd sugest to make a short remix of the song(s) and post them on one of the sugested sites. Youtube would also be an option if you want to get some attention.

As for BUMA/STEMRA; when you let them exploit the rights to your music you know you'll have to pay them to publish your own music. That's all fine when one's a good selling author, but when your music doesn't make that much money yet, it can be somewhat expensive. So wether or not involve BUMA and or STEMRA is quite a bit tricky at the start (I know...been there, still there )

You're right about the tax-office. They won't protect you any more than a notary office would (which are the only two options for regestering music in the Netherlands) Only the tax-office offer their service for free. Just make sure you have some proof you had that music on a certain date before anybody else had.